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Shelli Farhadian, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases); Assistant Professor, Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases

Contact Information

Shelli Farhadian, MD, PhD

Research Summary

We take a multidisciplinary approach to understand neurological complications of systemic infections, through translational studies based in New Haven, CT.

Extensive Research Description

My research focuses on the neurological complications of systemic infections, including HIV and COVID-19. After completing my clinical training in Infectious Diseases, I pursued a research fellowship in Neuro-Infectious Diseases at the Yale School of Medicine, focusing my work on neurological complications of HIV in older adults on suppressive antiretroviral therapy. In my clinical role, I care for adults with neurological complications of HIV, COVID-19, Lyme, Syphilis, and other infectious diseases.


Research Interests

Brain; Encephalitis, Arbovirus; HIV; Internal Medicine; Neurosyphilis; HIV Infections; Infectious Disease Medicine

Public Health Interests


Selected Publications